Saturday, May 16, 2009


Whoo Hoo! Yes, I finally picked up my cool-T today! gonna post a pic of it soon!
but din't have time to run & also I'm not feeling quite well although the weather was pretty good in b/w the rain periods. Actually I didn't really get to run much this whole week b/c I was so busy organizing my home/stuff, cleanning, fixing things, planning. But at least I did walk a lot, but not as much as I should.

So next week I have to do more runs & I think I'll have more time for that since this week was so busy & I got a lot of stuff done. But then new things to do always come out of the blue, so i should watch out & eliminate the non-essentials & prioritize according to importance & urgency. & also I must arrange the to do order of tasks for their convenience of one another, eg. some things i can do @same time & some will help if i do some certain ones either/before another, etc...

nxt wkend: is my bday wk but i'll b quite busy so i won't really try to officially celebrate it, it'll try to have fun during the stuff/events it'll be at!
sat volunteer training session & then doors open toronto. will be fun, but very tiring, not the relaxing type of fun! but keeps me busy & fulfilled.
sunday picnic=relax--just chat w/ peops, eat & maybe get to take a nap.
ok so my nxt wkend won't b too bad afterall! most of the busy-ness will just b on sat.

as for prior mon-fri....i just know i got a lot of stuff, just dun wanna think about it yet, but it'll start planning in my mind while i'm in the middle of relaxing, maybe when I'm watching a movie.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Track your Fitness Online!

Here's a link that lists several websites you can use to track your fitness activities & progress.